Our Facilitators

Lija Austen

Lija Austen is a wellness consultant, registered counsellor and coach as well as a professionally trained qi gong and meditation teacher. She is the owner of Kingscliff Saltwater Studio and offers classes. retreats, private sessions and corporate wellbeing programs. Lija is a regular speaker at conferences and writes for magazines on wellness and mental health.

Lija is passionate about supporting everyone to nourish their body, mind and soul so they can flourish. She realises that many of us feel tired and stressed in our modern busy world and she likes to support her clients to reclaim themselves , find inner peace and create a life that brings deep contentment and fulfilment.

Lija worked in a management consultancy for 10 years and is passionate about supporting executives to adopt mindfulness and wellbeing practices to reduce stress and clear the mind so they can make better decisions and bring their best self to work. She has offered wellbeing sessions to some of the most successful companies in Australia.

Lija offers 1:1 counselling, coaching, qi gong classes, retreats as well as wellness/leadership sessions for conferences and organisations.


Tania Boyd

Tania is a yoga and meditation teacher, women's mindset and wellbeing coach/mentor, and mindbody practitioner. She is deeply committed to fostering connection and curiosity in every aspect of life. Tania is passionate about creating a safe and supportive space for women to discover how to cultivate balance in their lives, reduce stress, navigate life challenges, and improve their health and wellbeing on every level.

Tania works with women 1:1 both online and in-person and facilitates weekly Yin yoga classes in the studio, as well as running workshops and retreats throughout the year.

www.taniaboyd.com @tania_boyd

Belinda Haan

Belinda Haan is a mindfulness teacher, multidisciplinary coach and creator and humble guide to the full joy, catastrophe and sacredness of life. An Ambassador of Compassion with Stanford University, Belinda founded The Compassion Project and created The Emotional Support for Mothers Toolkit. Belinda runs Rest and Reconnect classes which combine meditation with self-compassion practices and utilises props and music for deep nourishment. She also delivers classes, coaching and other experiences at belindahaan.com. www.belindahaan.com www.thecompassionproject.au

Michelle Jones

Michelle Jones is a mindset coach and meditation guide who runs regular sound healing and meditation classes at the studio with Amanda Vastag.

Michelle has spent over 25 years studying and practicing a wide range of meditation, natural health and healing modalities.  She has a passion for helping clients to calm the mind, heal the spirit and tap into their inner wisdom and creativity.

In her meditation circles, Michelle uses her voice and her energy to cultivate a safe, sacred space.  With focused intention, she supports her circle in achieving deep relaxation, connecting with their hearts and divine selves, and exploring their inner wisdom with curiosity and awareness.

As a Mindset and Wellness Coach, Michelle loves to support and empower others to live a more connected and mindful life, to fully step into their brilliance and share their gifts with authenticity and courage.



‘Zarn’ Tazana Karjana

‘Zarn' Tazana Karjana is a certified Sound Healing Practitioner/multi instrumentalist Dip SHA & IICT member. Dip Music Industry, Technical Production. Vocalist for northern rivers band GaiaTree Mantra. Song circle & Cacao ceremony facilitator. She is passionate about creating the ultimate environment for deep healing, to bring you back to your true essence.

Zarn has always had a deep awareness to sound and music since childhood. From performing in a Balinese Gamelan as a child, to become a former lead vocalist in a rock band to then study Sound Engineering in her mid 20s. Through trauma she disconnected from this part of herself for some time. Its not until she fell chronically ill, the passion for Sound Healing began.

Zarn offers monthy Sound Healing & Mantra workshops every 2nd Sunday of the Month @soundwavehealing

Vicki Schaefer

Vicki Schaefer has more than 20 years experience as an early childhood educator at a local preschool and has developed beautiful affirmation cards and a journal for children. She runs weekly yoga and mindfulness classes for children in the studio from toddler through to school age. www.littlewiseone.com.au

Amanda Vastag

Amanda Vastag is a Shamanic Sound Practitioner, guiding groups and individuals to reconnect with their authentic truth and soul’s calling. She facilitates transformative experiences aimed at fostering self trust and personal growth through deep listening and heightened awareness. Her approach centres on the development of meaningful relationships to ourselves, others, the natural world and beyond. www.organicsoundjourneys.com.au