Autumn - Letting Go

Although we are still having some warm days - Autumn is now here. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Autumn is linked with the lungs and large intestine and is all about letting go. As we think about leaves changing colour and falling off trees, we can also think about letting go of what no longer serves us. Just as we need to declutter our homes to create a place we love to be, the same is true for our body, mind and soul. We need to regularly let go of stress, tension and limiting beliefs/habits to create wellbeing.

Quiet, reflective time

Many of us in our western world are rushing from one thing to the next and feel too busy to stop to reflect on what is and isn’t serving us in our life. Taking some quiet, reflective time each day can help us get some perspective. Are we making choices that bring us contentment and health? Are we balancing yang (active, achievement) with yin (rest, reflection) in our life? Are there some small changes we can make to improve each day?

Breathing well

In qi gong we believe that when the energy (qi) is flowing well through the body we have wellbeing and vitality. When the life force energy gets stuck in parts of the body we start to experience a decline in our health which can eventually lead to disease. To have the qi flow well through the body we need to be able to take in fresh energy and release energy we no longer need. One of the main ways we do this is through the breath.

The lungs are the first part of the body which receives fresh ‘qi’ life force. It is also the main part of the body that releases toxins from the body. In our western world we tend to breathe very quickly and shallow which can put us into a state of fight and flight. We can use breathing practices and movements to expand and deepen the breath. As we breathe more fully we put our body back into balance again and find greater peace and wellbeing


Our posture also has an impact on our health. If our body is in the right position we will find that the energy ‘qi’ flows well. The body is filled with energy channels called meridians. When we stand and move in alignment, the energy can flow well through these channels without being blocked. Many of us are hunched over phones, computers , steering wheels for much of our day so our posture can worsen over time. We need to move in ways to release the muscles to return back to their natural positioning. One of the keys to ageing well is to improve our posture.

Yoga and Qi Gong

Yoga and qi gong are both ancient practices that teach us how to breathe well and improve our posture. Through gentle movements, breathing practices and learning how to stand well we can have a significant impact on our health and how we feel. Regular practice makes all the difference - the more consistently we practice one of these modalities the more deeply you will experience the benefits.

Lija Austen is a qi gong teacher, counsellor, retreat leader and the owner of Kingscliff Saltwater Studio she loves to support people to find true contentment and wellbeing. She runs weekly qi gong classes in the studio and monthly retreats.

Autumn is linked to the lungs.


Winter - Immune Building